Wednesday, May 6, 2020

China s Massive Pollution Problem - 918 Words

â€Å"Air pollution is defined as any substances absorb into atmosphere, and these substances harm the living things and environment† (Dictionary). As dictionary mentioned, during development of the Beijing for 10 years, air has been contaminated by emission of gases and smog from industrial factories whose number has been increasing. A number of particles and dusts damage to people’s health and their life style. People are always concerning about daily concentration of particles. Even though they struggle with defend their health against air pollution, polluted particles would give residences in Beijing fatal effect for people’s health. In Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI), we can compare Beijing to another countries using numerical data. This city is one of the most polluted city in the world. According to the article, â€Å"China s massive pollution problem†, The Week, Wagstaff states that the air in Beijing is too dense with particles to watch the fore st fire†(Wagstaff). Air pollution in Beijing has generated due to the fact that the speed of development has been too fast. In former days, it is easy to see plenty of people with bicycle, however, after economic development in China and growth of the middle class, frequency of people with bicycles has been decreasing. According to Wagstaff’s article, there are more than 120 million cars and another 120 million motor vehicles in China. Too many car ownership is one of the gravest causes to increase air pollution in Beijing. In fact,Show MoreRelatedThe Threat Of Greenhouse Gases1456 Words   |  6 Pagespopulated country in the world is China with the population of 1, 373,541,248 people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). It is not a surprise that China is also one of the biggest pollution contributors due to its great population number. Air pollution is one of the biggest threat to the environment created by human and China is known to be the world’s deadliest country for outdoor air pollution. 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