Monday, December 30, 2019

Developmental Psychology Never Let Me Go Essay - 1048 Words

In Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, the main character, Kathy, and the rest of the characters are raised in Hailsham, a very special type of school. The kids who are raised at Hailsham do not have any parents because they are clones. Essentially, the teachers or the guardians, as they are called in the book, are their parents. Yet, the guardians raise the kids in a very particular way. The guardians are not affectionate towards the children, as most parents would be, and they raise them in an extremely structured setting. The guardians do not bond with the children because, although the guardians at Hailsham believe the kids are more than just clones, society still looks at them as creatures. The way the guardians raise the children at†¦show more content†¦( The guardians understood that the children were born just to die at a young age. They understood that many people looked at them as monsters and not as hu man beings. With that in mind, the guardians did not get emotionally attached to the children. In The Effects of Early Social-Emotional and Relationship Experience on the Development of Young Orphanage Children, the main focus is on how children in orphanages react to certain types of caregivers. The caregivers who worked with the children at the orphanage seem to have the same concerns as the guardians working at Hailsham. On page 108 it says, â€Å" Staff initially wondered if it was a good idea for children to have close relationships with caregivers when many would go to harsher and less affectionate and responsive environments in the future†. People in society are not as accepting of the clones as the guardians are, so despite the fact that the guardians seem distant from the children, this was done just to prepare the children for the â€Å"harsher† future. The attachment theory is a theory proposed by John Bowlby. The theory basically states that infants need to be attached to someone in order to have successful relationships as they grow older. Bowlby says, â€Å"Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space†Show MoreRelatedEnvironmental Education At The School844 Words   |  4 PagesWhile at the school, I got to try my hand at a variety of different things. Every day was different. In a classroom, you never know what is going to happen and everyday something different is taught. I would go to the school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays each week from 12:00pm until 3:00pm. On Mondays, I would go to two Kindergarten classrooms, Mrs. Markons and Mrs. Rolfes. In both classes, I helped with environmental education. Somedays there was an Environmental Educator that would lead theRead MoreLives Across Cultures : Cross Cultural Human Development1605 Words   |  7 Pagesexpecting when walking into the class. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Hitler Came to Power - 649 Words

How Hitler Came to Power How is it that Hitler easily took control of Germany? Between the state of the economy and how the citizens were living all contributed to it. Most citizens at the time wanted a leader who would fix their economic crisis. Hitler was the first to promise them out of their worries. He said he would bring the economy back to how it was and bring back jobs for the citizens but in reality he had another plan in mind. He would soon be known for the genocide and murder of millions of people and be the leader of the Nazi party. Germany was originally the second most economically advanced country in the world. But things quickly changed during World War I. Germany could no longer import or export. Since Germany was receiving assistance from the United States their economy fell. The result of this was the beginning of producing their own money but, in 1923 Germany went through hyperinflation, monetary inflation occurring at a very high rate, making their money and trad ing worthless. At the end of the war Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles which made them give up parts of their land and pay war reparations. In 1929, the Great Depression began. Since the United States was giving loans to Germany, when the ‘Wall Street Collapse’ in the United States occurred it also brought poverty and unemployment to Germany because they wanted their money back from the Germans. Not long after was the devastation of the Germans and their poor economic crisis.Show MoreRelatedHow and Why Hitler and the Nazis Came to Power in Germany Essay example1303 Words   |  6 PagesHow and Why Hitler and the Nazis Came to Power in Germany Before the Great War in 1914 Germany was a rich and prospering country. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Advantages disadvantages and impacts of Globalization Free Essays

string(27) " with little or no duties\." Introduction Globalization is a procedure in which limited societies, economic systems, and civilizations have connected through a planetary system of trade. The term is sometimes used to mention peculiarly to economic globalisation: the incorporation of national economic systems into the international economic system through trade, foreign direct investing, capital flows, and addition of engineering. Globalization is by and large known as determined by a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural, and political factors this term can besides mention to the world-wide distribution of thoughts, linguistic communications, or voguish civilization. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages disadvantages and impacts of Globalization or any similar topic only for you Order Now Competition increases between states. ( Alassane D. Ouattara, 1997 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // Globalization is the consequence of a figure of interrelated developments including: The growing and comparative deduction of foreign direct investing. The internationalisation of economic markets. The quickly and go oning development of communicating and conveyance engineering Liberalization and Deregulation A Public sector services converted into denationalization ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // id_article=2190 Economic globalisation is characterized by increasing in trade and investing, liberalisation, denationalization of public services and deregulating of many authorities establishments. Economic globalisation is besides linked with increasing inequality in wealth and influence between states and within states every bit good as between public and private sectors. Economic globalisation has been taking topographic point for the last several old ages it has begun to go on at an increased rate over the last 20-30 old ages. This recent roar has been mostly accounted by developed economic systems linked with less developed economic systems, by resources of foreign direct investing, the decrease of trade obstructions, and the modernisation of these developing civilizations. Environmental globalisation recognizes that an environmental incident or impact that happens in one state is non restricted to that country but has the possible to impact the full universe ‘s well being. Therefore, c ommunicative globalisation refers to the rapid growing of communicating engineerings such as cyberspace, telephone, orbiter and so on, Ability to associate people, information and thoughts around the universe which impact on civilization, both positively and negatively. ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // Denationalization is a demand for globalisation and goes side by side with it. Nowadays the phrase of globalisation has gained importance in all over of the universe. Globalization may hold positive or negative impact on developing states. However, the developing states can last by change in the development of globalisation by public policy readjustment for denationalization, deregulating and liberalisation. The moving ridge of fiscal globalisation as the mid-1980s has been marked by addition in capital flows among industrial states, peculiarly between industrial and developing states. Where these capital flows have been linked with the high growing rates in some underdeveloped states. A figure of states have experienced interrupted prostration in growing rates and major fiscal crises over the same period, that catastrophe have exacted a serious toll in footings of macroeconomic and societal costs. Trade could impact these inequalities merely through its consequence on economic growing in single states. A cardinal issue, so concerns the possible consequence of trade on economic growing. ( khair Uz Zaman, ; , qaiser Aman ; , 2007 ) Key Institutions of Globalization The economic globalisation lies with certain influential fiscal establishments that are wholly in the custodies of western states. They include: International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) World Bank ( WB ) World Trade Organization ( WTO ) These establishments are besides known as the Bretton Woods establishments and chiefly influence on the economic and political policy preparation in developing states. ( Rahman MD Faizur, 2005 ) History Globalization: The start of globalisation goes back to the 2nd half of the nineteenth century. When nationality as the footing for province formation was already widespread. The World Bank classifies the development of globalisation since so as follows: The 1st moving ridge of globalisation: 1870 -1914 The retreat into patriotism: 1914 -1945 The 2nd moving ridge of globalisation: 1945 – 1980 The new and 3rd moving ridge of globalisation: 1980 The first moving ridge of globalisation was started in 1870 and changeless until the beginning of the First World War in 1914. This period of globalisation made easy for the bringing of imported goods every bit good as the exported goods. The development of telegraph helped to get down contact over long distance. The period of 1914 to 1945 was tagged a retreat of independency and extensively improved in the proficient status of the conveyance and communicating. The great depression of the late 1920s and early 1930s direct to protectionism, which to boot restricted the international division of labours. The 2nd moving ridge of globalisation ( 1945-1980 ) followed the loyal period. As a response to the war, there was much attempt to heighten international clasp. This was reflected in the constitution of the United Nations in 1945 and the Bretton forests establishments in 1946. In 1980, trade of industries was to big extent freed of barriers. In the instance of agricultural merchandises, trade was restricted between developing states ; imports of merchandises of developing states were liberalized if they did non vie with those of the developed states. The 3rd moving ridge of globalisation started around 1980 and this stage continues today. Harmonizing to the World Bank, this period has four features that separate it from the old period. Large Numberss of developing states bankrupt into the planetary markets Developing states became progressively marginalized and suffered from worsening incomes and progressively poverty Worldwide capital motions and in-migration became significant. Increasing devastation of production. ( Kotilainen, Markku ; Kaitila, Ville ; , 2002 ) Globalization, as World War II, is fundamentally the consequence of planning by politicians to interrupt down the boundary lines obstructions in trade to increase the prosperity and mutuality, as a consequence to cut down the opportunities of future war between the states. Since World War II, barriers to international trade have been significantly decreased through international understandings GATT. Particularly inaugural carried out as a consequence of GATT and WTO, for which GATT is the foundation, has included: Promotion of free trade: Eliminating of duties ; creative activity of free trade sector with little or no duties. You read "Advantages disadvantages and impacts of Globalization" in category "Essay examples" Reduced transit cost, particularly ensuing from development of containerization for ocean transportation. Decrease, riddance or coordination of fiscal support for local concerns Creation of fiscal support for world-wide corporations. Coordination of rational poorness Torahs across the bulk of provinces, with more limitations. Super national designation of rational poorness restrictions. ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // The phrase Globalization has been used loosely by media and educational in recent old ages. This describes the procedure of generate webs of connexions through a choice of flows of information, people, capital goods and engineering. In economic sciences, globalisation connect in assorted stage of cross-border traffics, free international capital flows, foreign direct investing, portfolio investing, and rapid and widespread distribution of engineering. Globalization enhances the economic prosperity and leads to more efficient allotment of resources, which, in bend will ensue in higher end product, more employment, lower monetary values and higher criterion of life. However, some critics worry about the ensuing outsourcing and off shore, which have destroyed the American fabrication sector. ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // Advantages of Globalization Goods and people are transferred with more relaxation from one state to another. Due to globalization war between developed states has reduced. Free trading increases the mutuality of the nation-state. Peoples connected in the universe due to planetary mass media. Communication between persons and corporations in the universe increases. Environmental security in developed states additions. Encouragement of more researches and development of new machines and equipment for domestic usage. Peoples connected in the Earth due to worldwide mass media. Strong competition therefore encourages higher quality merchandises Global mass media connects all the people in the universe Increase in economic growing of the state. Decrease of cultural barriers increases the planetary small town consequence ( ) DISADVANTAGES OF GLOBALIZATION Increased in flow of skilled and non-skilled occupations from developed to developing states as corporations try to happen out the cheapest labour Corporate influence of nation-states far exceeds that of civil society organisations and mean persons Increased opportunity of economic breaks in one state impacting all states. Menace that control of universe media by a smattering of corporations will restrict cultural visual aspect. Greater opportunity of reactions for globalisation being aggressive in an effort to support cultural traditions. Greater hazard of diseases being transported accidentally between states Spread of a mercenary life style and attitude that sees ingestion as the way to prosperity International organic structures like the World Trade Organization violate the national and single independency. Addition in the opportunities of cosmopolitan war within developing states and unfastened war between developing states as they struggle for resources Decreases in environmental dependability as polluting corporations take advantage of weak regulative regulations in developing states. ( ) Impacts of Globalization Harmonizing to economic experts, there are a batch of planetary events connected with globalisation and incorporation. It is easy to sort the alterations brought by the globalisation. Improvement of International Trade. Globalization increases the international trade between many states and makes the sale or purchase easy. Technological Progress. Governments have upgraded their degree of engineering to vie and be competitory globally. Increasing Influence of Multinational Companies. An of import tendency in the globalisation is the increasing influence and broadening range of the transnational companies. A company that has subordinates in assorted states is called a multinational. Power of the WTO, IMF, and WB. Another consequence of globalisation is the beef uping power and influence of international establishments such as the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank. Greater Mobility of Human Resources across Countries. A Globalization allows states to supply their work force in states with inexpensive labour. For case, the work force deficits in Taiwan, South Korea, and Malaysia provide chances for labour exporting states such as the Philippines to convey their human resources to those states for employment. Greater Outsourcing of Business Processes to Other Countries. Different states are enormously profiting from this tendency of planetary concern outsourcing. Global companies in the US take advantage of the cheaper labour and extremely skilled workers that states can propose. Civil Society.A Broadening range of the planetary civil society is an of import tendency in globalisation. Many establishments are established in the state and run by citizens which civil society frequently refers to NGOs. Global civil society refers to NGOs that advocate certain issue or cause. There are many NGOs that promote good environment to adult females ‘s and back up their rights. Government and NGOs have the same end of functioning the people but these NGOs are working to set up constabularies that are good to all. ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // Effectss of globalisation More goods and services are available Expansion of new markets Income coevals and increased in economic growing Development in the volume and scope of cross boundary line minutess in goods and services. Addition in the usage of new engineering in small-scale fabrication to increase the degree of production. The planetary common market has a freedom to merchandise of goods and capital The outgrowth of a new market where the merchandises were market at an international degree for all type of consumers. Widely entree to a big assortment of goods for consumers and companies. Free motion of people of different state ‘s leads to community benefits. Global environmental and other trade jobs are solved by treatments. development of containerization of ocean transportation cut down the transit cost Decrease in trade barrier Additions in international travel and touristry Addition in the aspiration to utilize abroad thoughts and merchandises, accept new patterns and engineerings and go a portion of universe civilization. Subsidies for local concerns lessening Local consumer merchandises are exported to other states Capital controls cut down or suppress Enhancement in world-wide modern traditions/cultures. ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // Development COUNTRY Developing states are those which have a lower per capita income, unemployment, deficiency of goods and services. Peoples have a lower criterion of life, high infant mortality rate. Features of Developing Economy: The common features of developing states: Lower life criterions Insufficient lodging Low instruction criterion Increase in decease rate Limited life and work anticipation High and lifting degrees of unemployment and under employment. Lack of engineering Low criterion of instruction ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // Advantages of globalisation in the underdeveloped universe: Globalization increases the economic prosperity and chance in the underdeveloped universe. The countrywide freedom is enhanced and increases the resources of the developing states and there is a more efficient usage of resources. All the states involved in the free trade are at a net income. As a consequence, there are lower monetary values, more employment and a better criterion of life in these developing states. It is feared that some developing countries advancement at the costs of other developed countries. However, such concerns are unsuccessful as globalisation is a positive-sum opportunity in which the accomplishments and engineerings enable to increase the life criterions throughout the universe. Liberals look at globalisation as an efficient tool to extinguish poorness and let the hapless people to keep a strong clasp in the planetary economic system. The Impact of Globalization on the Pakistan Economy Globalization is non new. Pakistan has been involved in trade, investing, fiscal flows, engineering transportations and the motion of labour since its foundation. There are a figure of factors that have aided this transmutation. The enlargement of new markets: Foreign exchange and capital markets are linked internationally. They control 24 hours a twenty-four hours with contact any where in the universe possible in all clip. Fiscal deregulating increases the impact of globalisation on the economic system. New engineering and the tools of globalisation: The cyberspace, electronic mail, nomadic phones, media and communicating webs have all sped up the procedure of globalisation. They have increased the broaden of communicating and and velocity cognition transportation. New institutional participants: The World Trade Organization ( WTO ) has emergent right over national authoritiess, as does the IMF with its limitations and controls it can coerce on states necessitating support. Multinational corporations have more economic power than many other states. Include financess and fiscal traders are able to command fiscal flows and accordingly exchange rates, go forthing states helpless in their aftermath. New regulations and limitations: Common understandings on trade, services and rational belongings rights, supported by strong enforcement instrument, diminish the possibility for national authoritiess to widen their ain economic policies. Pakistan Economy Pakistan is a South Asiatic state that was established in 1947. A Pakistan is a underdeveloped state ; its entire population is about 180 million. Its adjacent parts include India, Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and China. Its GDP is $ 164 billion and lending in agribusiness, industry and services severally 19.6 % , 26.82 % and 53.7 % . Per capita income and HDI is about $ 1022 and 0.52. Population of Pakistan is in the 6th figure and has biggest and strongest ground forces in the universe. Pakistan economic system is based on agribusiness sector. In last two decennaries Pakistan service industry has grown up quickly. More than 50 % population of Pakistan is linked with the rural sector. So that ‘s why largely country is neglected and misused. Entire acquired country of Pakistan is 803,940 km2, but largely country is neglected and developing. External debts are around $ 50.1 billion. Pakistan has an outstanding potency for growing and its current growing rate is 2 % . Pakistan has marvels hoarded wealths of natural resources, fruitful lands, some of largest natural resources mines, highest mountain scopes, 1050 stat mi coastline, huge comeuppances and the best productive lands. Pakistan is one of the most blest states on the Earth. But Pakistan political and economic conditions are non good. ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // ? Pakistans-Economy A ; id=3489752 Pakistan economic development last few old ages at that place has been a con rate of Pakistan economic development that has marked itself in its singular gross domestic merchandise statistics. In fiscal twelvemonth 2007 there was an addition of 52 per centum in sum fixed in Pakistani budget for the development of national economic system. This has been an of import measure in development of Pakistan economic system is concerned as this move has required to turn to underdevelopment of national economic system that has broaden at all degrees particularly in societal sector. Economic development of Pakistan has ever been among its major assets every bit far as attain designation from planetary fiscal circles is concerned. In decennary of 60s Pakistan ‘s economic system had progressed at a consecutive rate and it was position as being first-class. Economic policies adopted by national authorities have helped economic development in Pakistan to a important extent. In 1990s 2 % of gross domestic merchandise of Pa kistan had been assigned for economic advancement and its two-base hit in 2003. In 1999 PKR 80 billion had been set away for economic development of Pakistan and by 2007 this sum had gone up to PKR 520 billion. In financial twelvemonth 2008 this sum was PKR 549.7 billion. Poverty in rural countries has been an of import country of Pakistani economic sciences. From 2005 to 2008 $ 16.7 trillion has been spent in order to cover with different issues related to poorness. This money has played a really of import function in overall economic development in Pakistan. Poverty has been reduced to 24 % by 2006 from 35 % at 2000-01. As per Human Development Index of 2007 Pakistan has been accorded position of a â€Å" Medium Development Country † . Infrastructural development is an of import country of Pakistan economic development. However, it has non been paid much attending by Pakistan national authorities. More old ages a figure of international fiscal organisations have played a most of import function in development of Pakistan ‘s economic system such as International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank and World Bank. From 2006 to 2009 Asian Development Bank would be supplying about $ 6 billion for Pakistan economic development. World Bank is supposed to supply a loan for infrastructural development worth $ 6.5 billion in the same period. Pakistan would besides roll up a annual fiscal aid from Japan worth $ 500 million. ( ) hypertext transfer protocol: // Variables: GDP is the amount of market value of all concluding goods and services produced in a state within a given twelvemonth, tantamount to entire consumer, investing and authorities disbursement, plus the value of export, minus the value of imports. GDP includes merely goods and services produced within the geographical boundaries of the U.S, in malice of the manufacturer ‘s nationality. ( ) FDI Direct investings in productive assets by a company incorporated in a foreign state, as opposed to investings in portions of local companies by foreign entities. An of import characteristic of an progressively globalized economic system. ( ) Bot A state ‘s exports minus its imports ; it is the largest constituent of a state ‘s balance of payments. hypertext transfer protocol: // How to cite Advantages disadvantages and impacts of Globalization, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Economic Growth

Question: Discuss about theEntrepreneurship and Innovation Management for Economic Growth. Answer: Introduction The moment when you take the decision of starting up a new business, then you should consider yourself in the business lifecycle. This is the starting stage where it gives you the idea of a startup journey, then if it is successful, it will lead to the phases of growth and the maturity. While business is always challenging when looked keenly at every stage of the life cycle of business, there are a set of obstacles which gets highlighted and has to be dealt with and has to overcome in becoming successful (Andrew et al., 2013). Flexibility has to be maintained in the thought process and the strategies are to be adapted as you move forward. Certainly, various approaches are to be made to penetrate into the market competition. For instance, what is required for achieving the growth and retaining the market share is being discussed. As per the startup genome report that has been recently made, it has been estimated that 90 percent of the startups fail due to the self-destruction. The founders of the business might not be prepared or may not make better choices of the market conditions which make them out of control. In the business cycle, the position has to be understood, which would help you to stay ahead of the odds and face the potential challenges and the obstacles that cross your way based on the phase of the cycle you are at (Audretsch Link, 2012). In simple words, the business growth and development was achieved in the share market by focusing on the aims of the business, following its objectives and the strategies and priorities so that the current stage of the business was known which helped in solving the obstacles. The Journey The journey of the Entrepreneurial life cycle of the share market business is presented as follows: Stage 1: The Seed and the Development This is the beginning stage of the business lifecycle, so before starting up the business it was officially enquired for its existence in the marketplace. Then the business idea has struck the mind and then they prepared themselves to make an attempt. Then the feasibility of the share market business has been assessed (Audretsch Link, 2012). This was the stage, where the opinions and the advice that are potential for the business idea have been assessed from various sources available which include the family, relatives, colleagues, friends, associates of the business and various other specialists in this industry have been contacted. As a result, the business was successful as it has been influenced by various factors such as personal abilities of the individual, market inclination that has been targeted, and the most important one was the financial support of the business. In some of the cases, this is the most deliberate phase as here one can move a step backward and think of the feasibility of the business idea that has been implemented and questions themselves what is the requirement that would lead them to the success. Stage 2: Start up The business has been thoroughly canvassed by testing the idea of the business in the entire market by using various sources and finally was satisfied with the information available and was ready to start and make an official approach for launching the business. This stage is known to be believed as the most risky phase of the business cycle (Finkle, 2012). The point to be noted here is that the company would be impacted many years together down the line if any mistakes are made at this stage of the business. The business was being adapted as it is the key point and most of the time was spent in making the modifications of the products or the services offered by taking the feedback from the customers and changes were made accordingly. It has been even dragged to the stage where many changes were made to the share marketing process in the offers given to the customers which have confused the company a bit (Galindo and Mndez, 2014). It was because of the vagueness of the business ideas and the continuous repetitions of the offers which led to the stage of confusion. Later clarity was maintained with the strategies which cleared the concepts of the share markets (Hall et al., 2012). Stage 3: The Growth and the Establishment The share marketing has reached this stage where the shares have been sold to the level and the consistency of the income has been maintained by inviting new customers on a regular basis. Cash flow has been improved and the revenues were recurrent, which helped to cover the expenses that are made on a daily basis and the business started gaining the profits out of expenses and its improvement has been noticed and identified slowly and steadily (Hope et al.,, 2015). The most challenging factor that was faced by the entrepreneurs at this stage was managing the time in between the entire new range of demands which was requiring the attention and managing the revenues that are at increasing levels and addressing the customers, competition dealings, expanding the workforce who would provide service to the customers (Ikem, Aponte Muffatto, 2015). The company was able to overcome all these issues and was able to handle and manage the situations appropriately since it has hired the staff with a complimentary skill set and employees who work smart. For reaching most of the companys potential at this stage it necessarily consisted of experts who could manage the business with their expertise and finding out the solutions to overcome the issues that are faced in the business (Karlsson Warda, 2014). At this stage of the business, the companys associates and the senior managers have put themselves in the role of developing the strategies for the business so that every official would be aware of how to expand the business further by recruiting the qualified team who are highly skilled and who has the abilities of dealing with the opportunities which were previously not so easy to control (Letaifn Rabeau, 2013). The company then made a team in establishing the order of the working strategy and to build unity so that the team work in an organized manner with the defined set of roles and responsibilities and was successful in reaching the goals that were communicated. Stage 4: The Expansion This is the stage where all the works were executed in the regular manner which was used for running the business ahead. Sufficient amount of staff was recruited for managing the business. The highly skilled and well-communicated individuals have been placed for handling the areas where officials did not have the time to manage and the business was then established firmly in the industry (Marcotte, 2014). At this stage, the share markets business has been trying to bring stability by expanding their horizons by capitalizing to the certain level by providing and attracting the customers with the appealing offers and introducing the new ideas for making an entry into the new Geographics. By expanding the business in the new horizons it has seen the rapid growth of the revenues and the extreme cash flows as the plan has been established. In business, the company should always try to move forward if there is no attempt of making a forward move, then it remains constant and backward and can never be competing in the market and its existence would be gradually vanished (Mro?ewski Kratzer, 2016). Of course, there are two sides of the coin where there are risks associated with the business expansion if it was not properly planned. Since it is very difficult and not so easy to expect the outcomes of the idea from the undertakings taken by them, but it has been planned and executed in the best possible way with a careful move (Muju, 2015). The company has taken into consideration the following points before stepping ahead such as it has looked after its resources, it was realistic regarding the cost, potentials and effort returns and was always monitoring the impacts that the expansion would result in the quality of the customer service which is being provided to the existing customers (Nambisan Baron, 2013). Stage 5: Maturity and the Possible Exit By navigating the business life cycle in the expansion stage successfully, the company is now noticing the stable profits year after year. While there would be a few companies which keep on reaching the top line in the decent amount of time and speed whereas few others would struggle hard for the growth and development of the business to the same level (Patton, 2013). But this share market business once hits the market and gains customers, then it does not have to look back to its success is what the company is now experiencing. At this stage, the business is having two options it can either go for further expansions of its shares or can exit the business. For expanding the business further, there were certain queries that were striking the entrepreneur like can the further growth will be sustained by the business, are opportunities available for its expansion, can the business be financially stable if there is any attempt which is not successful etc. The company has been changing the leadership styles as it was trying to find out the appropriate individuals who are fit for managing the situations and can navigate the new challenges that keep on rising in the business (Patton, 2013). Most of the business at this stage would be looking for a sale to move on. This can either be a partial sale or a full sale, which basically depends on the company type. As a result, the negotiation would result in the entire new journey of the business life cycle. The business model canvas has helped in developing the business plan of the share marketing business by taking into consideration the 9 key points of the model such as: Key Activities: The key activities such as shares and attractive deals of the company have been outlined by giving the idea of what the organization mainly focusing upon and outsourcing the key competence by making this activity as the central point in this business. Key Resources: For creating the customers value the company has designed the resources in the form of shares. By making use of these resources as the assets the company is providing the best deals to the customers (Sahut Peris-Ortiz, 2014). Partner Network: The company has identified the key activities and has established its partnership with the large scale businesses. Before doing so it has made an assessment of the risks associated and tested accordingly. It has made a fair deal with the partner regarding the profits and made sure of sustainability. Value proposition: Since the business was entirely customers based it has established a specialist team in resolving the customers issues related to their shares. It provides its value through their performance, reduction of risks, convenience and accessibility. Customer segments: The targeted customers have been identified by the business who are the business officials for purchasing their shares (Soares et al., 2013). Channels: For delivering the shares to the customer segments it has chosen the appropriate channels which are efficient and cost effective. Customer relationship: The key factor is to manage the customer relationship effectively, which made their business stand out from the competition and has driven more customers towards their business. Cost structure: The companys financial consequences which were used for operating their business models was adding value to the expectations of the customers. Revenue streams: For generating the income the company has planned for various options like a sale, low deals, small shares, etc. that would grab more customers which would bring them profits. Strengths and Business of Ventures Business Model: For starting up the new business on own, the financial planning has to be done for launching the new venture and then a decision should be taken for entering the business world (Shan de Bruin, 2013). The strengths and weaknesses that are associated with the business operation include: Strengths: A business plan that is proven: For the business plan to become strong and successful the enterprise should be located in the appropriate locations, the unexpected problems should be addressed and should make sure that the business operations are managed smoothly (Mro?ewski Kratzer, 2016). By doing so, the business can be directed to the finely tuned system where the failure rate would be low. The marketing efforts should be collective: For any business to become successful it requires promotion. For this advertising would be the appropriate way, but it is expensive. In such cases, it should be shared by all the members of the business partners, which can be used for developing the marketing campaigns. Ownership: Irrespective of the agreements made every franchise will own their They just need to follow the guidelines that are set by the business fro the successful running of the business. Weaknesses: The initial investment is huge: The success rate of the business and the experience are on the same level. For introducing the franchise in every location it ends up investing a huge amount in the startup business. Self-determination is low: The business contracts are usually affected when decisions are not taken in an appropriate manner. The irrelevant individuals are expected to take the decisions so the agreements of buying the contract would be lost (Letaifn Rabeau, 2013). The cocktail effect: Every business has its own location, but it cannot be operated with complete freedom since there are other competitors with the strategic plans. So the conditions should be appealing otherwise it would impact the business and the entire chain. The cocktail effect means if the control of corporate is more for the fewer mistakes it would result in the irresponsible act and will harm the brand of the business. Future Recommendations: Most of the venture for its significant development in the future should determine the milestone for it to become successful (Hope et al.,, 2015). The essential dates should be imposed on the plan externally, for instance, factors such as agreements on a contract basis or the competitive pressures. The milestone planning approach has the following three advantages for the business such as: The errors that are costing the business plan would be reduced For reevaluating and learning of the whole venture it would give the chance of practical and local milestones The replanning methodology is offered on the basis of the growth in the business Milestone 1: At this stage, the cost related to the development of the future steps is very low and proceeds with the development of the entire product. The purpose of this phase is that it can be determined whether any product development is required or not. Milestone 2: By analyzing the prototype development carefully the entrepreneurs can obtain the useful information. The situations that lead to the obstacles and issues should be analyzed and solutions to overcome have to be established (Hope et al.,, 2015). 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